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We would   to read your funny and disastrous story about prom,homecoming or sweet 16 experience, send us your giggles and horrors to share to our prom socialites and fans!


"The prom dress I wanted was gorgeous, but it was one size too big. When I tried it on, it was only a little loose, and I thought my boobs were large enough to hold up the top. On prom night, the music was playing and I was wrapped up in the excitement. As I jumped around, my boob popped out." --Beatrice, 22, Portland, ME


"My fake eyelashes weren't staying on, so I thought my fake nail glue would work. I ended up glueing my eye shut and had to cut off my real and fake eyelashes. The glue stayed on my eyelid until graduation the following month."- Jamie H.


"When I was in high school I was obsessed with the color orange. For prom I bought an orange dress, orange shoes, and an orange purse. When I got to prom, guess who matched the tablecloths." - Madison M. 


"On prom night, my date and I went to dinner beforehand. At dinner, he told me that I needed to get chicken fingers because they were the cheapest thing on the menu. He then proceeded to order an expensive steak. When the steak finally got to the table, he made me cut his meat for him. To top it off, his mom drove us to the prom!" --Suti, 20, New York, NY 


"I was a social director so I added "Star Spangled Banner" in the mix for prom song. It won. So that was the song for Saugerties High, Class of 92."- Jimmy F.


"My date left me and went to make out with one of my friends."--Dani 16,Bryan, TX


"Guy broke up with me a week before prom. I went with a female friend to her house to get ready. My ex and his friend were there. His friend was her date. They tried to get us to take pictures together. The whole thing was awkward." --Kylie,18, Clifton,IL


"During prom pictures the sprinklers in the park went off getting me, my dress, and the rest of the group soaking wet. The water left a stain on my dress making it look like I peed in my prom dress the rest of the night." -- unknown


I spent a bit of time planning the prom proposal, I really thought she was going to be the one. Apparently she already had a date and I had no idea. At the time I felt pure embarrassment. Your can't even put it into words, I was like , "Oh My God!" I was just rejected in front of the whole school. -- unknown


 "The day of my Junior prom, my sister drove me over to borrow something from by BFF's house. In a hurry, I got out of her car quickly and walked right into one of those metal emergency fire boxes they used to have in the city. So, I went to my prom with a lovely gown and a forehead that looked like a unicorn's. And, yes, everyone noticed" - Maggie 

"I accidentally cut my sisters bangs to an inch from her hairline the night before prom. She cried all night." -- Lauren


"Posed for a picture and was spoiled by his dog taking a dump." -- Axel


"My date was asked to breathe on the breathalyzer twice because of his dance moves." -- Jordan


"When it was time to slow dance, my prom date asked, "Why aren't you looking into my eyes?"--MBL


 "I put my shawl on the table, didn't realize a candle was there, and set it on fire."- Melissa


"I ironed my Hair for prom and ended up looking like bolivian president Evo Morales."--Luis


"Someone from school saw me buying condoms before the prom." - unknown 


"I had my brows waxed the day-of—they resembled upside-down check marks." — Jay

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